Open Championship Results for 2000 Guppy Trophy: Don Crettenden Fighter Trophy: Cara Lee Beacham Junior Aggregate: Cara Lee Beacham Native Fish Trophy: Tim Maguire Catfish Trophy: Tim Maguire Goldfish Trophy: Belinda Meredith Champion Goldfish: Belinda Meredith Senior Aggregate: Belinda Meredith Tropical Fish Trophy: Tim Rochford
Open Champion: Tim Rochford
Champion Tropical: Tim Rochford
Congratulations to all the winners!

The SA Aquarium Society had a tank of Gold Severum's at the 2000 Adelaide Royal Show. The fish were supplied by a member of the Aquarium Society.
At every Aquarium Society monthly meeting (excluding December and June) there is a table show. Every month has its own species of fish, and there are 3 categories:
Tropical Fish
In May of every year, the points that have been awarded every month are added up and the person (who has shown their fish throughout the year) with the highest points will win a trophy for their category.
February Table Show
Plant Results:
There were no plants shown during the February Table Show
Next months table show is: MARCH:
Tropical: Australian Natives, Cichlids, includes Angels and Loaches
Goldfish: Fantails (Red,calico & Ryukins)